3 Essential Digital Marketing Tools for 商会

发表: Friday, May 11, 2012 |标签: best chamber web content management system, 商会, chamber of commerce 数字营销, 钱伯斯, cms, 数字营销, 电子邮件, 电子邮件营销, 电子邮件营销 for 钱伯斯, 电子邮件营销 for 钱伯斯 of commerce, 市场营销, 社交媒体, 社交媒体 for 钱伯斯 of commerce, website 统计数据 analytics for 钱伯斯 of commerce


Last week, I discussed 4 important content development tools to look for when choosing a CMS. Now that you know the best CMS tools for publishing content, next step is to identify the 市场营销 tools that will help your chamber lead website visitors down the sales funnel.

Your website is the backbone of your chamber’s 市场营销 strategy. We are living in an age when “Googling” has become a knee-jerk reaction and an organization’s website is the ultimate means of communicating with its audience. Maintaining a strong digital presence is vital to your chamber’s survival


网站 Marketing Strategy


Choose a 市场营销-savvy CMS that will provide your chamber website with valuable communication tools – particularly, an 电子邮件营销 服务,选项 社交媒体 integration 和日常 统计数据


One of the most effective and inexpensive 数字营销 strategies is 电子邮件营销. 

Be sure your CMS’s 电子邮件营销 module is integrated with all of your other CMS modules, 比如你的表单, 电子商务, 博客, 通讯, 等. 

This integration will enable you to:

  • Increase top line revenue
  • Contact perspective new members
  • Better serve your existing members

(More on this subject later, when I post my Email Marketing series. If you’d like this topic sooner rather than later, let me know!)


Whether they’ll admit it or not, just about everyone is on Facebook. And that makes social networking the perfect strategy for engaging your chamber website visitors.

Your CMS should include a 社交媒体 module that integrates with all of your other CMS tools. 例如, when you publish an event on your website, your 社交媒体 module should automatically post the event link to your Facebook and Twitter profile pages. 


Marketing is useless if you can’t 测量 it. 

That’s why your CMS must include a 统计数据 module. In addition to measuring your chamber website’s daily visits and page views, your 统计数据 module should also allow you to analyze metrics of specific content, such as banner ad clickthrough rates, top 博客 posts and 电子邮件 open rates.


I hope you have enjoyed my series on “Choosing A CMS.” In the last several weeks, you have learned about taking control of your web content management, importance of CMS upgradability,而且有价值 CMS content development tools for your chamber website. Today’s post about CMS 市场营销 tools concludes this series. 

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  • What do you love or hate about your current CMS? 
  • What is your biggest challenge in creating engaging content? 

I respond to everyone who contacts me, so leave a comment or drop me an 电子邮件!

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