12 Questions You Should Ask 关于 会员 Management Software for Your Jewish Community Center

发表: 星期二,2022年10月11日 |标签: JCC管理软件, JCC会员软件, JCC资源, JCC软件


如果你管理一个犹太社区中心, 你知道拥有一个有效的会员管理系统是多么重要. The software you choose can significantly affect how well your center runs and how satisfied your members are. With so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. 帮助你缩小选择范围, here are 12 key questions to ask about any membership management software before making a purchase.




1. 这个软件用起来容易吗? 

在为您的JCC寻找新的会员管理软件时, 找到一个高度直观和用户友好的软件是很重要的. You want your team to be excited about using the software and be able to figure it out quickly and easily. Make sure to understand what training the company will provide throughout the implementation process and how they will train new employees. 确保自助培训选项也很重要, 比如教程视频, 在线培训模块, 学习管理软件.

2. 软件是否可定制? 

有效地管理您的JCC会员可能是一个挑战. That's why it's crucial to have membership management software that is flexible and able to adapt to your specific center's needs. 合适的软件可以跟踪会员数据, 理财, 办理注册和付款手续, 创建报告, 推广活动也很容易. 此外,该软件应该是用户友好的,易于导航. 使用合适的会员管理软件, 你可以确信你的中心正在平稳高效地运行.  

3. 这个软件要多少钱? 

Of course, the cost is always a factor when choosing any software for your business. Be sure to get a 来自软件供应商的定价报价 before making a final decision. 

4. 软件是否与其他系统集成? 

If you have other software programs that your center 使用, they all must play well together. 例如,如果你的社区中心使用 门禁控制系统, you will want to make sure it is compatible and integrates 与 your membership management software. 了解如何 斯坦福JCC 使用 OpenPath立博官网手机版app下载软件 to allow their staff to check in members, track traffic patterns, and send custom reports.

5. 该软件是否自带网站和移动应用程序? 

因为你的网站是会员制组织的关键营销工具, it is paramount that the 网站和移动应用软件 integrates 与 the membership software. 如果你想知道为什么会这样, using a third-party software product for website development and integration can result in significant problems. 

  1. 当任一软件程序升级时,数据集成就成了一个问题, 导致数据不能正确共享,甚至根本不共享. 
  2. 如果网站和会员软件公司是分开的实体, 让这两个项目一起工作可能很困难. 
  3. 整合网站软件往往需要定制, 哪一种既昂贵又耗时. 
  4. 第三方网站和移动应用软件可能会产生数据孤岛, 网站和会员数据库之间的数据碎片化. 

For all these reasons, it's essential to use website software built into your membership software.

6. 该软件提供什么功能? 

This is an important question because you want to ensure that the membership management software you choose has all the features you need to run your JCC effectively. 需要寻找的一些功能包括:在线注册, 会员门户网站, 事件管理, 支付处理, 自动续期. 

7. 公司提供什么样的培训和支持? 

If you run into problems, you'll want to know that there is someone you can contact for help. Customer service is vital for any software, especially membership management software. You want to make sure that someone is available to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Be sure to find out what customer service offerings are available before making your final decision.

8. 软件是否定期更新? 

jcc需要有意义的方法来提高会员留存率并扩大其基础. 一种方法是确保JCC拥有最新的软件. 技术日新月异,会员管理软件也不例外. Regular updates ensure that the JCC has the latest features and functionality to offer its members. 此外,更新可以帮助修复错误并提高安全性. 出于这些原因, 选择定期更新的会员管理软件是很重要的. By doing so, the JCC can provide their staff and members 与 the best possible experience.

9. 存储在软件中的数据有多安全? 

Security should be a top priority, 与 sensitive member information stored in the system. You want to ensure the gym membership software you choose 使用 several 保护数据的安全措施, 包括加密和密码保护. There should also be administrative controls that help to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the system.

10. 是可扩展的吗?? 

As your JCC grows, you'll want a membership management system that can scale along 与 your growth. Otherwise, you'll have to switch systems down the road, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

11. 其他客户对这个软件有什么看法? 

在你做决定之前, it’s best to check out the company’s portfolio and social proof to see other customers’ experiences. Reading reviews can give you a better sense of the 不同软件选项的优缺点 and help you make an informed decision.

12. 有退款保证吗? 

你不会买一辆不试驾的车, and you shouldn't feel like you're betting your future on a product that you've only viewed a couple of times in the context of a salesperson's demo.

When speaking 与 your potential new membership software and website/mobile app provider, 确认他们有无条件退款的保证. 您的新软件提供商应该愿意降低您的风险和, 而不是, 通过提供退款保证来承担风险. 这种方式, 如果软件既没有达到也没有超出您的期望, 你可以免费退货. Reviewing the company's refund policy should be part of your due diligence before signing any contract.

Make sure you're comfortable 与 the refund policy terms and understand the process for returning the software if needed. 就像对待任何合同一样,仔细阅读细则,这样就不会出现意外. And the leap confidently, knowing you can return the software if needed - no questions asked.

通过花时间回答这12个问题, you can choose the right membership management system to help run your Jewish Community Center smoothly and efficiently.


我们了解联合作战中心面临的独特挑战. 我们也知道你有很多东西可以提供给你的社区. That's why we've developed a software solution to help you unify your team and better serve your members and staff. 

立博官网手机版app下载软件™ is a total software solution that includes everything you need to run your JCC more efficiently. 我们易于使用的界面, 你可以跟踪你的会员数据库, 利用动态和定制的网站, 管理项目和活动, 支付流程, 定期发送邮件宣传活动, 还有更多. We also offer a wide range of customization options so that you can tailor the software to meet your specific needs. 因为我们致力于提供最好的服务, 我们的团队随时为您解答任何问题. So if you're looking for a software solution to help you better serve your community, 我们邀请您尝试立博官网手机版app下载软件.


我们喜欢与非营利组织合作. 看看立博客户端app下载能为你做些什么!








您的JCC可以展示和推广即将到来的活动, 创建门票, 管理与会者, 用你的网站付款.



如果你还在努力跟上科技的步伐, piecing together different software can create chaotic data and confusing work platforms for your team. 技术在不断发展,很难跟上所有的变化.




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