Top Characteristics To Look For in Recreation Membership Software

Published: Thursday, October 27, 2022 | Tags: JCC Membership Software, JCC Software, Membership Management Software, Recreation Membership Software, YMCA Management Software, YMCA Software

Recreation Membership Software

Are you sick of using cobbled-together software to manage your JCC and YMCA members, facility, and programs? 你的社区中心需要娱乐会员软件,在一个地方提供你最常用的工具和程序. However, not all recreation membership software is created equal. Some offer only the basics, while others include comprehensive tools and programs to manage your memberships. So how do you choose the best recreation software for your JCC or YMCA? 我们为您的社区或娱乐中心找到最好的会员管理软件编制了一份顶级特征列表.


Table of Contents

Unlimited broadcast emails

To stay competitive, 您的JCC和YMCA需要娱乐管理软件,允许您发送定期广播电子邮件,以保持您的成员在所有最新的新闻和事件在您的组织. 此外,它将使您能够针对特定的成员群体量身定制的消息.  

YMCA and JCC Broadcast Email Examples:

  1. 你可以给所有之前注册过的篮球运动员和表示有兴趣为孩子注册的家庭发邮件,告诉他们注册日期, tryouts, game schedules, and any upcoming tournaments.
  2. Monthly happenings at the Y or J.
  3. Upcoming registrations, events, and programs.

Broadcast emails are essential for keeping your members engaged and informed, and they can help you boost retention rates. 

Extensive program management features

有效地管理你的社区中心和娱乐项目对创收至关重要. You can maximize program participation and revenues, improve customer satisfaction and retention rates, and reduce operating costs with the right recreation membership software. 


  • The ability to easily add new or recurring events
  • Accept attendee registrations
  • Make program schedules
  • Create custom sign-up forms for your members
  • Set up one-time or recurring events with multiple ticket types
  • Create & sell Tickets with tiered pricing and seating charts

Sales, reports, charts & data all in one place

保持准确的会费和其他收入记录对任何娱乐俱乐部或组织都是必不可少的. With so many different sources of revenue, from membership dues to special event fees, it can be challenging to keep track of it all without a dedicated software system. 

这就是一个用于开票、发票和应收账款跟踪的单一软件的用武之地. By keeping all of your data in one place, 您可以避免管理多个软件程序的麻烦,并使会员轻松支付账单和查看帐户历史记录. As a result, using a total software solution for your sales, reports, charts, and data is an essential component of any recreation membership software system.

Calendar of events 

会员可以查看事件日历和基于类别的事件列表,这是娱乐会员软件的基本特征. 这使得会员可以很容易地找到他们感兴趣的活动,并有助于推广那些可能被忽视的活动. This feature also helps keep members informed about upcoming events, allows them to plan their schedules, 并且在促进娱乐社区的交流和参与方面发挥着宝贵的作用.

Simple registration and sign-up forms 

没有人喜欢复杂的表格,尤其是在智能手机上注册的时候. 一个重要的娱乐会员软件功能是能够创建简单的表格,让人们注册成为会员,并注册您的社区中心的项目和活动.

  1. They save time for both the staff and the members. The less time it takes for a member to sign up, the easier their process is and the higher the conversion rate. 这也适用于名额有限或需要预先注册的项目.
  2. Easy-to-use sign-up forms help to reduce frustration levels for both staff and members. 没有人愿意处理一个复杂的注册过程,这往往会导致放弃购物车.
  3. Having simple forms help to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information. 这对于保持准确的记录和确保会员获得他们感兴趣的沟通和服务非常重要, which is a win for both the recreation center and the members.

[Learn more about How to create membership forms that convert.]

Benchmark reporting 

基准报告是您选择使用的任何娱乐管理软件的重要特性,因为它允许您度量过去的性能并设置目标. Without this data, 要知道你最近的JCC或YMCA会员活动有多成功,或者上个月有多少人登记入住,这并不容易. This information is vital to growing your revenue, re-engaging inactive members, and tracking traffic patterns at your facility.

JCC and YMCA reporting metrics to track:

  • Current members by type (inactive or active members)
  • Number of check-ins per day, week, or month
  • Number of new members in previous month
  • Member active count (how many people are in your facility currently)

Member check-in and access control 

Safety is a top priority for Jewish Community Centers and YMCAs, 特别是因为两者都为儿童和青少年提供了各种各样的早期儿童和项目. 对于这些社区和娱乐中心来说,最重要的是实施和利用无钥匙门访问控制系统,以确保只有会员和批准的人员才能进入场地和设施. 与您的设施访问控制系统集成的娱乐会员软件是jcc和ymca需要考虑的实质性保护措施. OpenPath’s integration with Freedom Software is a great example of member check-in and facility access control.

为您的JCC或YMCA选择正确的娱乐会员软件是必不可少的,以确保您有工具来有效地管理您的会员和设施. Keep these top characteristics in mind when shopping for software, and you'll be sure to find a solution that fits your needs.

Custom donations form

犹太社区中心和基督教青年会依靠会员和企业的捐款来帮助支持他们的使命和项目. 这就是为什么拥有娱乐管理软件很重要,它允许您为任何活动建立自定义捐赠表格,并显示在您的网站上. This will help you raise the funds you need to support your community center or YMCA. 

Make sure the software allows you to:

  • Create custom forms
  • View submissions
  • Receive email notifications
  • Manage multiple campaigns
  • Process payments

安排一个演示,看看Freedom Software是如何成为您的娱乐管理软件解决方案的

Freedom Software™ is a total software solution for Community and Recreation centers that allows membership-based organizations to keep track of their databases, utilize a dynamic and custom-built website, manage programs and events, process payments, send regular email campaigns, and so much more. 

这个整体软件解决方案还提供了广泛的定制选项,以便您可以定制它以满足您的特定需求. And because we're committed to providing the best possible service, our team is always available to answer any questions you may have. If you're looking for a software solution to help you better serve your community, we invite you to set up a free demo of Freedom Software.

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Here are other articles you might enjoy reading:

New Website & Total Software Solution Launch: Stamford JCC

How to Turn Your JCC and YMCA Website into a New Membership Machine

Increase Conversion and Revenue with Landing Pages For Your Jewish Community Center


Do more with events!

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Event Calendars, Registration, Tickets, and Check-ins.

Your JCC can showcase and promote upcoming events, and create tickets, manage attendees, and take payments with your website.

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Focus on running your organization not managing your data.

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